How to Get The Worm
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The only way to get The Worm is for whoever has it to send it to you. Whoever has The Worm decides where it goes next. We track The Worm at so you can always see who has The Worm. You can also track The Worm on Opensea and on The Worm’s Twitter account.
Throughout Worm history many groups have formed to share The Worm amongst themselves. They determine on their own how they’d like to coordinate. Some have used sign up forms while others have created Discord threads for organizing.
If you seek The Worm your best bet is to join the Ambition Discord (managers of The Worm) to see if someone there has it and wants to send it to you or would welcome you into their group.
The Worm has traveled through several groups inside the Ambition Discord as well as among other Discord servers such as The First Mint, The Cool Cats, the Sat NFT organization and Squanchland.